Sunday, December 5, 2010


My sister got a haircut yesterday and she is NOT happy about it.
 Personally, I think she looks pretty cute in her little, fluffy boots!  Don't tell her that, though.  She's GRUMPY.

Speaking of boots, Mom got me some new winter wear to keep me toasty warm on our cold evening walks.  What do you think?

Oops!  Mom caught me napping!  Oh, well...

I better run.  It's almost dinnertime.

 Hope you all had a great weekend.  I sure did!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year...

We had a wonderful Turkey Day Weekend with Grandma B, who came to visit from over the hills and brought plenty of turkey snacks with her!  Yay!

Melvino adores his Grandma B and loves it when she decides to slow down and spend some snuggle time on the couch with him.  He like to curl up in "the hole" (the crook of her knees when she's laying on her side) and it takes a great degree of strength to pry his furry little body out of that faux-fur and velvet blanky-lined sleeping spot.  It seems that he somehow makes his 20# body 4-5x heavier to dissuade the offending party from disturbing his toasty resting spot.  Luckily, that didn't happen much, as we relaxed and napped most of the weekend.

 Ahhhh...  This is the life!

I somehow ended up with a cold, but was thankful that my symptoms didn't hit until my first day back to work.  It's not easy talking on the phone all day with a frog voice, but I would have hated screwing up my Quality Time with my Mom by being sickly!  Still... I'd much rather be at home in the covers with this guy:

I keep watching the weather portion of our nightly news, secretly hoping for a chance of snow (and a snow day! Yay!)  Those fluffy white blankets remind me of my childhood near the mountains, where every winter we waited for the hills to cake with snow so that we could go sledding.  My fondest memories were of the lights from town illuminating the dark, cloudy sky with the soft pink glow of reflected light.  There was nothing like a quiet nighttime walk in the stillness of that beautiful snow-covered landscape. Everything seemed so peaceful, so still while snowflakes melted on my hot tongue, as I gazed into the heavens.  Ahhhh... 

All of a sudden, I'm seeing the appeal of snow globes! Perhaps I should work on recapturing that peaceful bliss without the snow.  Just thinking about that did my heart good. :)

What are some of your favorite winter memories?

Stay snuggled up, friends!  We'll talk again soon... 

Jen and Melvino

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Maiden Voyage... We're So Glad To Be Here!

Hello, friends!

It's that time of year again in Portland...soggy, soppy and grey.  The last few beautiful, gemmy colored leaves falling from the trees as I drive to work in the morning. 

I adore the pumpkin spice, crisp temperature and the special times with family and friends this time of year.  But truthfully, Melvino and I are not much into the damp darkness that comes with these Pacific Northwest fall and winters.  I mean, come on, who wants muddy paws every time they go potty!?  SHEESH!

We're always looking for new ways to stir up fun and enjoy our time until the incomparable sunny Portland summer returns and we meet up with our friends at the dog park!  That said, this blog has been a long time coming, after many months of bookmarking your blogs and checking in to read your heartfelt stories and see your wonderful pictures.  I am so excited to become part of this wonderful, supportive community of pug, frenchie, bostie, and all-around sweet pup loving folks.  Your hearts have come through so clearly in your writing and it's drawn me in in ways that I find difficult to express with words (but, I'm going to try! :) )  So, with that, THANK YOU for stopping by and "Yay!" for new friends and neighbors! 

How is the weather where you live?  Do you pups with pink bellies like Melvino have your sweaters ready to go?

 Are your snuggle blankets ready for those blustery evenings?

Wherever you are, whatever the weather, we hope you have a wonderful day!  We're so excited to be here and look forward to growing many wonderful friendships with all of you, furry and not-so-furry alike.

Jen and Melvino