Monday, May 9, 2011

Long time...

I have been away too long!  I had a birfday last week - my fourth one! - and Mama made me a special meat-treat dinner that was sooooo yummy.  I didn't even hafta share with my sistercat, Isabella!

Speaking of Isa, we have been very worried about her, because she losed so many pounds.  We didn't notice because her furs are so fluffy. But, Mom took her to the vet office where I go and they weighed her and she had to take tests, too!  They said her thyroid is hyper and her kidneys are tired. She hasta take medicines, but I'm not so sure...  My medicines taste ICKY.  But, Isa gets tuna juices and meats with her medicines in it and she doesn't seem to mind one bit!  It didn't seem fair to me, so, I snuck behind Mama and I ate her tuna treats right up!  TWICE!  Mama was soooooo mad.  But, I felt better. I think it evened the score!  A little.

Mama called the EMERGENCY Vet place and asked them if I would be ok since I eated Isa's medicines along with the tuna (I guess Mom wasn't bluffing!) and they said it was OK.  One time wouldn't hurt.  WHEW!  I was glad.  I didn't wanna hafta go to the vet office.

I hafta go to the vet office this week, tho.  Mama said they are going to give me something to make me really sleepy and then, when I wake up, I will have clean teeth and little bumpies in my mouf will be gone.  I didn't like the way I felt last time after I woke up.  But, Mama said that she would be right there to get me and we would go home and snuggle.  I guess that's OK.

This weekend was really fun.  My Grama came to visit and she wore her silky softy nightgown and let me sit on her lap and have the softness on my belly while she rubbed me on top.  It felt soooo good.  I love how my Grama talks to me.  She uses her funny, squeaky voice that has lots of loves in it that I can feel and they feel sooo good.  I am always sad when she leaves.  Sometimes, I sit and look out the window, thinking that maybe she just went to the store for brown cookies or more of that red juice that she and Mama like to drink.  But, I usually know that she won't be back the same day because Mama is sad. Mama said that we will see her again soon, tho.  Next time, at Grandma's house!  I love going there.  She has a pond... with FROGS in it!


Well, I'm kinda tired after writing all of this.  I'm going to get back to my nap.

I love you, my friends and family.  I'm sorry that I was away for so long!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Melvino
    I have missed you. I always would wish on stars that you are ok
    I am wishing you a Happy Fourth Birthday right now! Its okay if it is a week late,, that just means you can celebrate longer.
    You are so lucky to have a Grama who loves you so much. The words she whispers in your ear,, arn't they the sweetest? I know her silky softy nightgown would feel VERY good,, oh sooo good.
    I will send healing thoughts to Isa to feel better soon,,,,
    and I hope you get to go to Gramas house soon and see the frogs.
    Happy Birthday
